Intra-structure #1
Jan 1977
Welded steel
14 1/2"h x 13 3/4"w x 9 1/2"d
The sculptures made from 1977 to 1978 were also about intersecting planes. The sculptures that were a part of the “Intra-structure” series (Intra-structure no. 10, Intra- Structure no.15) were also about defining an interior space that appeared compressed by the vertical and horizontal forms that the shapes operated in. The “Axis” series of the next year (Axis no.17) was about experiencing the sculpture from a definite frontal and rear perspective. All of the shapes operate left or right of an established central axis. The “Platform” series of 1978 (Platform no. 1, Platform no. 3) was about stages as a platform to exploring this body of work.